June 11, 2020

Tokata HR Solutions and People First HR Announced a New Partnership

Tokata HR Solutions and People First HR announced a new partnership today that will bring new human resource tools and services to serve First Nation clients across Saskatchewan. “We’re proud to form this partnership with People First HR as it will help to expand the menu of HR services and support we can offer our clients in Saskatchewan,” and “It’s important that we work with an HR team that’s culturally aware, so that can provide appropriate human resource solutions, and that’s what this partnership will bring.” said FHQ Developments, President & CEO, Thomas Benjoe.

The partnership which was initiated by Tokata HR Solutions, a division of FHQ Developments, will leverage the tools and resources that have been developed by People First HR over the past 20 years. “… We’re proud to be able to offer services that incorporate Indigenous knowledge and perspective. “Michelle Amyotte-Kupusa, Director of HR, Tokata HR Solutions.

“We’re extremely proud to partner with Tokata HR Solutions and expand the distribution of our HR solutions and support to more First Nations communities in Saskatchewan,” and “We’re excited to work and collaborate with an organization that’s focused on filling the HR needs of First Nations.” said People First HR’s, Client Services Executive, Michele Hengen.