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The File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council

About File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council

FHQTC is the political and service organization for the Qu’Appelle Agency and the File Hills Agency, delivering programs and services to the 11 First Nations in the Treaty Four Territory.

The purpose of the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council is to:

  • Protect, Implement and Enforce Inherent Treaty Rights
  • Promote Self-Determination
  • Assist in the development of productive and safe communities
  • Provide technical and advisory services
  • Address the common interests of First Nations in an equitable and professional manner while respecting the priorities of culture.

Contact Information:

740 Sioux Avenue. Box 985
Fort Qu’Appelle, SK.
S0G 1S0

Phone: (306) 332-8200
Fax: (306) 332-1811
