FHQ Developments|Investments|Economic Development|Tokata HR Solutions

Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) Partnership Associations

Saskatchewan Indigenous Economic Development Network

SIEDN is a not for profit with a service-oriented mission aimed at working with First Nation and Metis economic development practitioners and their organizations, in the exchange of information and sharing of expertise between the members of the network and other affiliated business entities.


Economic Development Regina

Economic Development Regina Inc. (EDR) is the lead agency for economic development and destination marketing for the Greater Regina Area (GRA).


Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan (WESK)

WESK is a non-profit organization that has helped thousands of women start, purchase and expand their businesses.

Our priority is supporting women throughout Saskatchewan to achieve their entrepreneurial goals. With invaluable advising and support, one-of-a-kind training opportunities, and a distinct and supportive financing program, WESK is dedicated to guiding clients on their entrepreneurial journey. From start up to success, WESK means business!


Regina & District Chamber of Commerce

The Regina & District Chamber of Commerce is the “voice of business” in the Regina community. They are a member-centric business organization whose goal is to provide members with professional calibre services which are conducted and provided in an environment where honesty, integrity, credibility, openness, and transparency are foundational principles. In addition, they seek to embody global market principles while at the same time embracing innovative, strategic reasoning.
